I'm Gladys
Software Developer

I have been a software developer for the past one year, I have worked on different mobile and wesite applications for clients. I am passionate about developing Android applications


Web Design

I build up the high performance website with blazing fast speed. Website with high performance can lead the visitor more.

Mobile Design

I create mobile deesign design for the Android/iOS. I am responsible for developing applications for devices powered by the Android operating system


With SEO, your business wants to increase its visibility in search results on search engines. I also provide SEO services to rank your website.


I’m a freelance web designer and mobile developer based in Kenya Africa. I love the mobile platform and I need to improve it for everybody. What's more, I believe myself to be totally honored that I will assemble it professionally.


CEO of My Com

Hi! This is Gladys

Mobile designer

I work with clients from my country to build Mobile and web applications. I build applications that has responsive design, accessibility, performance, and the latest in the area of mobile developemnt (Kotlin, Java and flutter)



Online water meter reading.

I collaborate with a group of four developers, to build this application for Tech Prescribed Limited, Kenya. This application is truly Amazing. It eases the work of field agents who come to our houses to collect readings from the water meter.

De-Arosto Institute

A website for a mentorship program.

DeArosto Institute of personal development, established in the year 2017, aims to improve the focus and effectiveness of individuals,the improvement of society.


A website for fetching chuck Norris Jokes.

This is a website that fetches jokes from chucknorrisjokes API. It also displays the jokes ccording to their category.

Wildlife tracker

A website for rangers

An application to allow rangers to input the details of all inamls in the forest. we provided a good quality website that satisfied the client.